Automation made easy.

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Package Delivered Notification Flow

Send a "Your package has been delivered!" message using Klaviyo and Wonderment together...

Package Is Out For Delivery Email Flow

Send an "Out for delivery!" message via email or SMS using Klaviyo and Wonderment...

Package Has Been Picked Up By Carrier Notification Flow

Send a "Your package is on it's way!" message using Klaviyo and Wonderment together...

Wonderment Stalled Shipping via SMS

Wonderment helps prevent "Where is my order?" support questions, by proactively alerting customers to slow or delayed deliveries...

Wonderment Stalled Shipping with High Value Customer Split

Wonderment helps prevent "Where is my order?" support questions, by proactively alerting customers to slow or delayed deliveries...

Wonderment Stalled Shipping with First Customer Split

Wonderment helps prevent "Where is my order?" support questions, by proactively alerting customers to slow or delayed deliveries...

Looking for something? Tell us about it!

We don’t have any Zapier ideas on the site yet. Is there something that you’re looking for? Tell us about it and we’ll help you learn more, and it’ll help us expand the site!...

Looking for something? Tell us about it!

We don’t have any Shopify Flow ideas on the site yet. Is there something that you’re looking for? Tell us about it and we’ll help you learn more, and it’ll help us expand the site!...

SMS Welcome Series

This is a useful post-purchase thank you flow to send via SMS...

SMS Order Delivered

This is a useful post-purchase thank you flow to send via SMS...

Wonderment Basic Stalled Shipping Flow

Wonderment helps prevent "Where is my order?" support questions, by proactively alerting customers to slow or delayed deliveries...

Basic Welcome

This basic Welcome Flow is great for getting new subscribers started with your site!...
SMS Customer win-back

SMS Post Purchase

This is a useful post-purchase thank you flow to send via SMS...
SMS Customer win-back

SMS Customer Win-Back

This SMS flow is great for sending to old customers you haven’t seen in a while. See them wake back up with a small discount. Particularly good for consumable products they may need to re-order and needed an incentive to get them over the line...

The Basic Abandoned Cart Flow

The very basic Abandoned Cart flow goes out to people who start checking out, but don’t finish. This is a great way to reclaim sales that might otherwise be lost to comparison shopping, distraction, etc...

The Basic Welcome flow

In its most basic form, the Welcome flow introduces new shoppers to your brand, and helps educate them on your products. Here’s a basic example that takes a new subscriber and thanks them for subscribing, and introduces them to your social media accounts...

The Basic Birthday Flow

The basic birthday flow is a great way to say thanks to your customers. By collecting their birthday early on in your interaction with them, you can have a really fun flow that says hello and offers a discount or unique offer to people on their special day...

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